A personal reflection on my journey in the pursuit of meaning


What is this blog about?

Well, let’s say that this blog is about me. It’s about my life and my interests. I don’t really have a plan for where I want this to go and I think that’s the best option as its better to make your own painting than to follow a stencil. I’m just going to add whatever comes into my head into this blog and we’ll see how it goes.

Why is it called The Himalayan Climb?

Well I was thinking more about Everest when trying to decide the name, as all of you probably know, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world and I believe that it reflects life in a way that no other landmark can represent. It stands as a powerful metaphor for life’s journey, it embodies the highs and the lows and the challenges and triumphs we will all experience along the way. Life presents us with daunting goals, much like Everest’s peak, that require courage, commitment and most of all “sheer fucking will”. Even with the peak out of sight we must still push on and continue the ascent of life.

What will I be talking about?

I will be going into quite a few sensitive topics relating to addictions, personal struggles and controversial topics, but it won’t just be that. I will be talking about whatever I feel like talking about no holds barred.