A personal reflection on my journey in the pursuit of meaning

Training Day

2h 2m


Antoine Fuqua


What a movie, Denzel’s performance sucks you right into the atmosphere of Los Angeles in the 2000s. From the way he walks to the way he talks, he mesmerises with his acting. Ethan Hawke cannot also be forgotten as his acting as Jake Hoyt makes the world of South Central more digestible to the average viewer who has never been to that part of the world. Every scene is packed with memorable moments right up till the end. However, I have got to say that at times the movie can get a bit hard to follow which can ruin the immersion for some people and I think the ending could have had a better payoff. Overall I think that this is a must-watch film especially if you are a Denzel fan like me.

Acting 10/10

Cinematography 8/10

Plot 8/10

Immersion 7/10

Score 6/10

Payoff 7/10