A personal reflection on my journey in the pursuit of meaning

plus ones (actually five)

Friday 20th December ’24

Today I had to attend another wedding. My mum’s friend’s niece was getting married. Now I thought that I would be getting a nice long sleep today and wake up at like 1 in the afternoon, but my mum comes into my room and wakes me up at 9 in the morning to get ready as we have to go the pre-wedding rituals, and the venue is an hour away. So I got dressed, and off we headed to the wedding. We left at about 10:30, and when we reached the venue, most of the rituals were already done, and people were just eating. The rituals had apparently started at 9 a.m. (talk about Indian timing). Now when we got into the venue, it had like 200 women just sitting in there and chatting away, these man invited the whole fucking village. All of them were holding a cheese grater, which was given as a gift.

We stayed at the venue for about two hours and decided to go to Anand to do some shopping, as we had time to kill before the actual wedding celebration. On the way, we stopped by my uncle’s house for a quick meet. We headed to the market, and all my mum wanted to look at was cooking utensils and jewellery. Now, bear in mind that I am in a full suit roaming an Indian market in about 30-degree heat; I stick out like a sweaty thumb. I go back to the car and just chill there with my uncles and wait till my mum gets back.

She finally returns at 5 p.m. (when the wedding is meant to start). So we rushed to a relative’s house to get changed for the wedding, and we finally reached the wedding venue at 6:30. Now, this was the largest wedding I had ever seen; there must have been around five to six hundred people there. The groom’s party hadn’t arrived yet so we were actually not late. We ate some food, which I didn’t really like – they made vedmi (sweet-stuffed roti) with a fig stuffing, what the fuck – anyways, we ate and just sat near the stage and watched the whole procession.

I told you earlier that this was a very distant wedding, now my mum has brought me, her sister, my cousin, my uncle and aunt. We were just sitting there, and we knew no one out of the 600 people there. It was a pretty beautiful wedding, though, and finished on time, which I can’t say about the one that was a week ago. Overall, it was a pretty chill day; my cousin and I had a good time with Snapchat filters to kill the time during the wedding because Indian weddings are bloody long.

Anyways, will see you guys tomorrow.